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20 April 2024 in Discover Ishka, Airlines

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Introducing the unique features of Ishka's Airline Credit Profiles

In this quick introduction to Ishka’s Airline Credit Profiles, Chris Keene, Managing Director at Ishka is joined by Siddharth Narkhede, Ishka's Head of Airline Analysis to provide a summary of the unique features that make the platform an essential tool to accelerate and benchmark your own in-house airline analysis today.

Supercharge your airline credit analysis

If you find the information valuable and wish to explore further, we invite you to request a free demo of our Airline Credit Profiles (ACP) service to discover how you can fast track your airline due diligence and identify new investment opportunities.

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Where there is risk, there are rewards.

We’ll help inform your aviation strategy and uncover golden areas of new opportunity, today, tomorrow, across the globe.

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