Ishka insights: indispensable aviation data, analysis and opinion

Is aviation tempting regulatory fate with missed environmental pledges?

As the industry embarks in a concerted effort to decarbonise, a spotty record of missed environmental pledges hampers its credibility – could investors be unsettled by potential regulatory backlash? more


in ESG & Regulation , Investor Briefings , Regulation , Science & Roadmaps

Briefing: EU Taxonomy for aviation nears final stages amid mixed reactions

The legislative effort to incorporate aviation into the EU Taxonomy, Europe’s gold standard for sustainable investing, is nearing its final stages. Ishka explores some of the key points of contention. more


in ESG & Regulation , Regulation , Sustainable Finance

UK lays out green finance roadmap, new SAF plans ahead of COP26

The UK has signalled that some upcoming green finance eligibility requirements will be based on the EU Taxonomy, bolstering the international significance of efforts to add aviation to the EU Taxonomy. more


in ESG & Regulation , Aviation Banks and Lenders , Regulation , Sustainable Finance

EU Taxonomy: AWG reacts to latest aviation green finance proposal

The Aviation Working Group (AWG), a not-for-profit entity comprised of major aviation stakeholders including lessors, has called for “significant changes” to proposed requirements for new aircraft green finance eligibility under the EU Taxonomy. more


in ESG & Regulation , Regulation , Sustainable Finance

EU Taxonomy: Lessors dismayed by old-for-new aircraft scrapping proposal

Aircraft lessors have been left dismayed by a proposal which would condition green finance eligibility for new aircraft under the EU Taxonomy to the scrapping more polluting aircraft. more


in Regulation , Sustainable Finance , ESG & Regulation